We are sad to announce the cancellation of the Mid-Atlantic Smiths Association’s Metalsmith Conference, scheduled for September 8-9, 2018, at the Tuckahoe Steam & Gas Association in Easton. The reason for the cancellation is simply because we were not able to line up a demonstrator. Instead of trying to cobble together a halfhearted show with very little notice, we have decided to regroup stronger for next year. We will have the Bill Gichner Memorial Hammer-in event in January, as always and also the joint Furnace Town event March 30 – 31. The good news is that we have a demonstrator lined up for the 2019 Tuckahoe Metalsmith Conference. Next year Jennifer Horn from Daisy Hill Forge will be demonstrating. For anyone who was able to attend the ABANA Conference in June, she demonstrated in the farrier tent. We deeply apologize for the turn of events. We look forward to seeing everyone in January and next year at Tuckahoe.